28 June 2016

How Does Google View Your Website?

If you’re looking to improve your Google rankings, the first thing you’ll need to know is what Google knows about your website. What information do they have? What are they looking for? How can you best position your website to perform better on Google and other search engines?

Here are a few tips and tools from Harrison to help your business perform better on Google’s search results, and get more traffic flowing in.

Google takes many things into consideration when it compiles it’s results, and two of them are the pages you have indexed and the content on them, as well as how well your site performs on mobile devices. To get a good understanding of what you need to know and where you can find the tools to help you, check out this video:


If you’re interested in getting more traffic and leads to your website, check out our series on Digital Marketing for Small Businesses. It’s filled with real, actionable techniques you can use to grow traffic on your website.

The first thing you’ll want to check is your Google Search Console (or Google Webmaster) account. This is a collection of all of the pages that Google has “indexed”, or what it knows about your online presence. You’ll be able to note any errors and see what information Google has collected about your site. You can find that here:


The second tool you’ll want to look at is Think With Google’s Speed Test tool. This is going to analyze your site and generate 3 scores for your website:

  • Mobile Page Speed
  • Desktop Page Speed
  • Mobile Friendliness

Based on the performance of these three things, it will assign a score between 0 and 100. You can access the speed test tool here:


Google will give you recommendations on what to do if it thinks there’s room for improvement. Ideally you want a score greater than 80. If it’s lower than that or if you have any questions on how to implement what Google recommends, you can contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Looking to improve your business’s rankings on Google can leave anyone a little lost. These two tools provided by Google should empower you and give you a clearer direction on what to do with your business.

We hope this has helped you and we look forward to bringing more value over the course of the coming weeks, months and years!

If you’re looking for more things to help with your SEO, check out our eBook!