26 October 2018
40 Under 40 – Class of 2018
Managing partner, Stickboy® Creative
There were a lot of things that could have intimidated Reema Bhatia when she started Stickboy® Creative in 2007.
For one, Fort Myers, her launching post, is a far cry from Silicon Valley. Also, the technology industry was and remains a male-dominated field.
But Bhatia’s naturally positive outlook and resilient spirit — plus the support of her husband, mother and other mentors — gave her the confidence and drive to succeed.
“A differentiator is always good, and I’ve just held on to that,” says Bhatia, who originally hails from India. “Frankly, that’s what I love about this community and this country: Everybody’s given a chance. It doesn’t matter where you come from. Once you have a seat at the table, if you have the mental chops to prove that you’re worth the time, everybody gives you a chance.”
She also acknowledges the importance of the team she’s put together to assist clients with custom software and apps, digital marketing and other technology-based services. She trusts them enough to let them grow and develop their skills — even if that means an occasional failure along the way.
“I’m not afraid to let them make mistakes,” says Bhatia. “Coddling people or admonishing them at every step doesn’t allow for the empowerment of people. My mom used to always say don’t cry over spilled milk; just move on onward and upward.”
Bhatia has relied on advice and guidance from people who are farther along on their entrepreneurial journeys than she. And she believes approaching business highs and lows with the right attitude helps her tackle whatever comes her way. “It’s always two steps forward, one step back,” she says. “That’s the rhythm of things. You can’t be down on yourself. You just have to move on, and if something didn’t work out, that’s fine. You’ve got to brush it off. There are tons of other opportunities.”
Survey says
Name: Reema Bhatia
Age: 37
City of residence: Fort Myers
Employer: Stickboy® Creative
Title: Managing partner
Birthplace: India
Years on the Gulf Coast: 12 years
Marital status/children: Married/none
Alma mater/degree: NYU
Best place to network: Online
Messy desk or clean workspace: Depends on the day.
Eat lunch out or at your desk: Out always!
Best business lesson ever learned: Whether you think you are winning or losing, it’s in your mind: Attitude is everything.
Your least favorite job interview question: “What’s your biggest weakness?”
Your favorite class/subject in school: Math
Weirdest job you’ve ever had: Trade show booth model.
Community group you’re most involved with: Southwest Florida Regional Technology Partnership.
Favorite off-hours activity: Travel
Two people, dead or alive, you’d like to have dinner with: Oprah Winfrey and Conor McGregor.
What you would be doing if you could pick another career: Adventure travel
Top item on your bucket list: Visit Antarctica
Your happy place is: Wherever Matt is.
Your biggest fear: Losing my loved ones.
Favorite Podcast: Joe Rogan
Who would play you in a movie about your life: Jessica Alba
What best describes you from high school? Rule breaker
Describe yourself in three words: Creative, courageous, compassionate.